We are in for a ride, folks. Yesterday I felt like I was in a blender. So much information is hitting us now. There is so much for us to feel, perceive, understand and adapt to. It's all wonderful, scary and exciting.
I am re~branding to "Auretha". My friends used to tell me I was like a little "Oprah". I have avoided this simplicity because my name is unusual and difficult to spell. Just recently, I discovered why my name is magic.
Here's the message. Revamp.
Revolt against what no longer works.
Let go of your Resistance to change. What doesn't bend, breaks.
DeClutter. Update. Transform. Adapt. Adjust.
BREATHE. Alot. Stretch your body and your mind.
Listen with your Spirit and your Heart.
Why are you here on this planet?
My client transformations have been amazing to witness. Some of them look like different PEOPLE from when I met them 3 or 4 years ago.
Many of you might be leaving jobs, changing industries, leaving relationships.
It is that time.
If you resist, it will be painful and costly.
Let go of your old crappy stories. Choose what feels SIMPLER, EASIER, MORE FUN, LIGHTER. Begin Again. Do over!
If you say, What does this have to do with Image Coaching & Styling? Umm....everything.
Your image is your extension of you in this physical reality.
If you're not changing right now, you might be dying. If you are changing right now, you are becoming the more expanded version of the most wonderful you that exists.
If you want help expressing what has changed on your inside, to your outside, call me.
Here's today's "WOO~woo" (meaning: Airy-Fairy esoteric stuff) Astrology Site newsletter that's great. Even I don't understand everything she's saying but see if you can distill the juicy bits.
Here's a friend's recent description of me and what I do & what I intend to do MORE:
Here's a friend's recent description of me and what I do & what I intend to do MORE:
Play full out with your hearts, loves. We're only guaranteed this moment.
Love, Juice, Wonder & Returning Mojo,
Image Coach, Sexy Stylist
R~Evolution Artist
Get your mojo back!
801.694.8092 |
September 23, 2011 – Happy Equinox! Perfect Balance Magic Hat! Posted: 22 Sep 2011 10:36 PM PDT SUN touches EQUINOX Point at 2:05 am, Pacific Daylight Time. Zero degrees of cardinal (starter) air, Libra, beginning the waning solar quarter, unwinding down toward zero point at the winter solstice. Right now, we’re at the Equinox and there is equal day and night. These are magical moments. MARS TRINES URANUS at 4:24 am pdt. Pre-dawn, we are buzzing with the light of new worlds, magic wands at our fingertips, and a lot of electrical fiery energy! Mars is in Leo trining Uranus in Aries and we are in a revolution, the question is, what is your flavor of revolution? MOON SQUARES JUPITER at 11:15 am, pdt and we are EXPANDING again. We may be outside of our comfort zone. We have more capacity than we think we do! MOON in Leo SEXTILES VENUS in Libra at 1:49 pm pdt. Harmony, beauty & fiery passionate love are flowing today. This is the dawning of a giant expansion of the heart that will not stop until we are dead. The “dawning of the Age of Aquarius,” as far as practical matters go, is the “Age of Heart!” This is the dawning of the age of heart! Our heart is a multidimensional instrument that may be the only instrument that can navigate us through the next few years successfully. Our mind will need to turn itself over to our daily expanding and changing heart. Our hearts have the capacity to meet any challenge we might face–our heart is multidimensional! Check it out! |
I love that you are re-branding and using your name!! It is such a unique and great name. It stands out so well, and I know it is really going to be a positive thing for your business. Hurray!